My Lasik Experience


It’s officially been two weeks since I had LASIK at ReVision LASIK and Cataract Surgery. The procedure is something I’ve wanted to have done for years and in retrospect I’m not sure why I waited so long. I first got glasses when I was 5 and wore them every day for 27 years. Now, a couple weeks after having LASIK, I STILL find myself reaching for my glasses out of habit even though I no longer need them. Guys, not needing glasses is INCREDIBLE. 

My LASIK journey started with a complimentary consultation. The staff asked me some questions, measured my eyes, tested my vision with and without my glasses, and measured the thickness of my cornea. They explained the risks, none of which were concerning, the main one being that I would likely have to wear reading glasses once I hit my late 40s/early 50s simply because of the natural aging process of the eye. After the testing was complete, Dr. Schumer came in to deliver the great news – that I was in fact a good candidate for LASIK. After learning that I was a candidate I was able to schedule my procedure. I sat down with a patient care specialist who helped me select a date. She also went over everything I needed to know about the procedure, everything from my arrival the morning of to the aftercare that I needed to plan for. I definitely felt like the consultation was smooth and seamless and I left fully prepared with answers to all of my questions. 

The morning of the procedure I arrived at ReVision at 8:45. My husband drove me as I wasn’t able to drive myself home immediately following LASIK. I got checked in and was given a bag that included some sunglasses that I would need later, some eye drops, and my aftercare instructions. I sent my husband and kids across the street to Krispy Kreme to enjoy some donuts while I was getting checked in and ready for the procedure.  

One Last Glasses Selfie

It wasn’t long after check-in that I was called back. I was given numbing eye drops and a valium to ensure that I was both calm and comfortable during the procedure. Dr. Schumer came by as I was getting prepped and let me know that I had absolutely nothing to worry about. At one point I went to put my glasses in a case in my purse but my prescription sunglasses were already in the case, I realized it no longer mattered if my glasses were protected so I just tossed them in my purse. It felt so good to know I wasn’t going to need them anymore. ​

Right before my LASIK procedure
Heading home immediately after LASIK

​When it was time for the procedure the nurses asked me what type of music I’d like to listen to and I thought that was such an awesome touch. I choose to listen to The Killers and quickly felt at ease listening to songs that I know that put me in a good mood. 

The procedure was quick and painless, lasting about 4 minutes per eye. First, a laser was used to crate a flap on my cornea. Because my eyes were numb from numbing drops I didn’t feel anything. 
Dr. Schumer instructed me to keep my eye focused on a green light and before I knew it the first part was finished. After the flap was made, I was moved to another laser that actually does changes on the cornea. This process was even quicker! Once my eye was lined up for the laser it was seconds before I heard the nurse say “treatment is complete”. All the while, my husband and kids were in the lobby watching my procedure on a screen.  My husband took a video of the procedure with his phone so that I could watch later. 

After the procedure I was taken back to the post-op area to relax before being released to my husband. I didn’t expect for my vision to be improved immediately, BUT IT WAS! I could see so clearly, it was unbelievable. 

I was given Tylenol PM right as I was leaving so that I could go home and go to sleep. When I got home I headed to bed and slept for approximately 4 hours. The goal was to get to sleep before my numbing drops wore off. When I woke up my eyes were watery but I wasn’t in any pain. While I could see well, I did have some sensitivity to light so I used the sunglasses that I was sent home with.  I was able to get back to my normal activities the evening of my procedure. That night I got work done on my computer, watched TV, and sat on the porch with friends telling them all about the experience and showing them the video Nate took. 

Even now, I still move my hand towards where my glasses used to be to adjust glasses that are no longer there.  I relied on glasses for so long that it still seems surreal to no longer need them.  I played indoor soccer wearing glasses, went to the pool wearing glasses, I often fell asleep at night with my glasses on. There are so many little annoyances that I no longer have thanks to LASIK. Things like not being able to get comfortable in bed at night while watching TV because I wouldn’t want to lay on my glasses, the annoyance of taking my glasses off every time I’d go to put a shirt on. I recently realized that I can pluck my eyebrows myself – something I struggled with because I couldn’t get to them with glasses on and couldn’t see to do it with glasses off. ​

I couldn’t be happier with LASIK or Revision LASIK and Cataract Surgery. The only regret I have is not visiting them sooner! To learn more about LASIK you can visit

Picture of Andrea Archibald
Andrea Archibald

Andrea Archibald is the founder of Beachwood Creative, a boutique marketing agency that specializes in content creation and social media strategy. The host of Midwest Dessert Fests & the girl behind @CbusGirlGang, Andrea & her husband, Nate live in Dublin with their two children.

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